12/23/2011 - Day 1 - Festive 500 - 31 miles
So today begins
The Festive 500. As Rapha puts it: Redemption has begun. I was out there today and logged 31 miles. I wanted to do more and the weather was cooperating and the legs were fine but other things got in the way. Kids. Wife. Work. After today I'm not too sure how much redemption I'm going to be able to turn out during the next eight days. I'm thinking the weather might be fine. It will definitely be cold but not snowy much (I hope) and today was a great day setting the pace at a sunny 30 degrees and no wind. I'm thinking time is going to be the problem. It takes time to ride 311 miles in nine days right at Christmas. It takes time for redemption. Time. Time I hope I have. Or can find.

As part of my desire to
"dream small" this year instead of go overboard with New Year's resolutions, I have planned Dream Small Ride #1 and placed it on the calendar. On May 26, 2012 I will be riding from the city park in Mona up past Mona Reservoir and then through Goshen Canyon. I will turn left on Highway 6 heading through Goshen and on up the hill to Eureka.
Twelve miles into the ride the road tips up. The climb to Eureka amounts to 2046 feet of elevation gain over about 11 miles. I plan to stop and take a little break in Eureka about 25 miles into the ride. From there I'm going to follow Highway 6 for 33 more miles down to Lynndyl and turn East heading to Nephi on State Road 132. The problem with this little stretch from Eureka to Nephi is that there's not much there. Most of the towns on the map are towns in name only. So I will have to find out if there's a c-store in Lynndyl or not because last time I went through there I blinked and missed it.

From Lynndyl to Nephi it's another 34 miles of basically nothing but some ramps, rollers, cattle, false flats and hills. Once into Nephi and back to civilization, I plan to take another little break and then head back North on State Road 28 which is basically Main Street South on into Mona to finish up. Total elevation gain for the ride will be 3629 feet over 99 miles. My plan is to average about 16-17 mph. Anybody that wants to come and ride with me is welcome. Plan on being at Mona City park at 7:00 a.m. to start and finish up around 3:00 p.m.
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